Southbank Bristol Arts Trail 2012 – my highlights

Last weekend I opened my home for the first time for the Southbank Bristol Arts Trail. It was it’s tenth year and though I’d been involved from early on and had even helped to co-ordinate it for several years I hadn’t taken part for a while and had never opened my house.

 Southbank Bristol Arts Trail 2012 Vitreous enamel panels by Janine Partington

It was my ten year old daughter, Breesha, who wanted to open our home as she wanted to show her manga drawings and do origami, and she was the star of our weekend. She ran an origami workshop for all ages and had over seventy takers. She was patient with everyone and a natural teacher. It was lovely to see her confidence grow as the weekend went on.

In all we had over 380 visitors and it was a great weekend. Please enjoy the photos below from Breesha’s origami workshop.